start html programming

start html programming--

In this lesson we will learn that how we can start html code and what thing needs for it

start html programming

start html programming

Start html-

For start html programming we need to thing-
(i)a text editor as notepad, sublime text , notepad ++ ,etc.
(ii) a browser as crome, internet explorer, mozilla ,etc..

Step for programming-

Step 1- open text editor or open notepad and write below given code on given screen as---
Step 2-Save this code in notepad as first.html(you can give name ), .html is the extention of html file.

Ld tutorial
This is very good tutorial.

Step 3-Open first.html from where we save it. The out-put are given below—

first html coding output
first html coding output

first html code

All the used tag will be explained in next chapter.

if you wants to go main page of html coding course for beginners then you can Clik Here!

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